My point about free-speech and sport is:-
1:- I have attended many football matches where bananas were thrown at black players, and racial songs chanted. This sort of free speech should be banned, yet sadly it still happens.
2) Muhammad Ali ( who sadly passed away yesterday) stated his Muslim beliefs prohibited him serving in the Vietnam war, so the " World Boxing Association" suspended him and revolked his world championship title.
3) In the World Cup " FINAL" Zidane got red carded for head butting an opponent. Why did he head butt the opponent ? The tactics of the opposing team were to say to him during the "game" the most disrespectful insults about his sister, until he reacted.
Those are 3 instances of many I could name, in which free-speech and sport in my opinion don't mix:-
So it comes down to balance. Personally I think it is ok for me to say "Rooney should be dropped based on performance and statistics" but I do not think it ok for me to say " He should be dropped because he is a "FAT SLOB"with "MENTAL" problems. In my opinion such name calling is as pathetic as the throwing of bananas at black players.
The Rebel.
p.s. I agree with Ali, on point 2, however the point clearly proves even the U.S.A has restrictions on freedom of expression.